An Xposed module to enhance the Telegram
Re:Telegram has more features than Telegram Anti-Recall
Currently, Re:Telegram has the following features: AntiAntiForward, AntiRecall, NoSponsoredMessages, ProhibitChannelSwitching, AllowMoveAllChatFolder, UseSystemTypeface, HideStories
Official, Plus Messenger, Nagram, Nnngram, NekoX, Nekogram (No Test Apk and Google Store Version), NekoLite, exteraGram, Forkgram, Cherrygram, MDgram (Old version), Yukigram, iMoe, OctoGram, Mercurygram
Nullgram (You can use Nnngram), Telegram X, Forkgram F-Droid Build
Submit the issue and include the client download link in the content, i will try to support your client.
Release Type: Stable
8/16/2024, 3:25:56 PM
Now you can customize the color and content of the deleted mark
Fix lost animation when deleting own message
Supported Nekogram v11.0.0 (5143)