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对ColorOS系统进行的扩展优化的Xposed模块 Xposed module for extended optimization of ColorOS system
Enabling screenshots in apps that normally wouldn't allow it, and disabling screenshot(Android 14+) & screen record(Android 15+) detection.
StatusBar Lyric / 墨•状态栏歌词
Xposed Module which Increase Telegram Download Speed to Extreme
Lyric Getter
让 HyperOS 再次伟大! Make HyperOS Great Again!
An Xposed Framework module that bypasses Android's user/profile creation limits
解除剪切板数量限制,拦截键盘工具栏搜索按钮跳转事件 采用Dexkit匹配,理论上通杀近版本,太过古早的版本可能不行 在此鸣谢Dexkit项目 本模块开发:Pantokrátor
HookGG By HdShare
系统辅助模块,支持 ColorOS、RealmeUI、OxygenOS。免费软件,请勿二次转发,分享,售卖!github@suqi8 System support module for ColorOS, RealmeUI, and OxygenOS. Free software – redistribution, sharing, or selling is prohibited! Contact: github@suqi8
QQ功能性模块 为QQ添加更多功能 支持最新版QQ 8.9.x ~ 9.1.35 全版本自适配
Disable Security Windows (禁用安全窗口)
客制化你的HyperOS - 支持基于A14的HyperOS Customize HyperOS to your liking - For HyperOS based on A14
Hook System Framework 让应用认为没有开启无障碍服务
一个全新的QQ模块 适配范围9.0.65-9.1.5+具体自测仅供参考 lsp用户请把API调用保护关闭否则无法生效
Скрывает рекламу в приложении Альфа Банк, а так же ряд других параметров.
为 QQ 和 TIM 添加更多功能
Make Bilibili Great Again! 干掉B站那些碍眼的东西
连接蓝牙耳机或有线耳机时自动切换音效为原声!Automatically switch sound effects to original sound when connecting Bluetooth or wired headphones!
Removes root and bootloader checks from the Austrian e-government apps
TeleVip A module for modifying Telegram
为支持电池充电保护的设备添加自定义断充阈值设置,妈妈再也不用担心我的手机过充啦! Add custom charge protect value setting for devices that support battery charge protection.
Let Me Downgrade - Add support for downgrading apps on Android 12 through 15 QPR1.